Pan-European advanced manufacturing assistance and training for SMEs

Ref./Contract no 101037866

Programme H2020-2018-2020

Duration 36 months


ADMA TranS4MErs will accelerate factories to become Factories of the Future embracing the ecological, digital, and societal challenges. The project is best positioned to support ambitious SMEs on their transformation journey, designed to ensure that Europe embraces the transformation of the economy and society and brings its benefits to ALL citizens and businesses. ADMA TranS4MErs will build and deliver assistance with digital competencies (underpinned by technology: high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity) and training in advanced skills in digital technologies in SMEs, contributing to Europe’s strategic autonomy, and accelerating deployment and best use in areas of public interest and the private sector.

The project will operationalise the Smart Specialisation Strategy priority areas of Manufacturing (Industry4.0) in all EU-27 member states and where industry overlaps with ICT, energy, health, and Key Digital Technologies considering the ethical, data, security, and equality challenges



The overall objective of ADMA TranS4MErs is to realise pan-European assistance and training for SMEs. This will be operationalised through the realisation of a digital platform, reinforcement of the DIHs, EENs and VETs by enabling xChange with TranS4MErs in all member states to guide SMEs on their transformation journey. The providers and users will gain priority access to a repository of services/tools for assistance and training, a user-friendly dashboard to aid gamification among the learning network, complemented by a TranS4MErs application to enhance and capture the experience for impactful services/tools.